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January 16, 2007
My little lovebug
Lately, my ardor for Finn has reached epic proportions. I mean, I've always love-love-loved Finn, but lately we've fallen madly in love and we don't care who knows it. When he sees me in the morning, he practically leaps out of the crib into my arms proclaiming "Mama!" When I leave the room, he can't bear it and collapses into sobs. When I return, mere moments later, it is again a cause for jubilation. He crawls into my lap, and brushes my hair out of my face, gives me sloppy baby kisses, and sometimes lovingly feeds me from his prized stash of pretzels. At the end of the day, he waits for me by the window of the daycare. When he sees me, you can hear him yell my name from the street, and starts spinning in circles out of excitement.
And I eat it up, every bit. If this little guy turns into a mama's boy, I'll only have myself to blame. But he is absolutely too darling and scrumptious to resist. Forgive the sappy post, but I started thinking the other day that there is something almost primal about a mother's love. Those early months, when Finn was colic-y and I was sleeping only four (not necessarily consecutive) hours a day, I wondered if I was really cut out for this. But now I get it. Should anyone dare harm my precious child in any way, I would do things to them that are not suitable to print on a baby blog. He can create spectacular poops, throw huge tantrums, and wake me up at night any time he has a nightmare. I've got it bad for this guy.
Posted by lisa at January 16, 2007 01:07 PM
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