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January 08, 2008


On New Year's Day, we woke up to a ton of snow. There was little better way to usher in the new year than by taking Finn sledding with his friend, Lilah, and all of her sisters.

Lilah's dad, Brian, picked us up in their van and we headed for the local sledding "hill." Wow. I grew up in Pittsburgh where the hills were a thrilling, irresistible thrill ride. Both my brother and I still sport scars from sledding accidents. This barely qualified as a "slight grade." At least it was appropriate for young kids.

Finn had a blast. We parked him on a two-man sled with Lilah, then sent them sailing down the hill together. It was quite a workout, since we ended up pulling them back up the hill afterwards.

It was a sign of a good sledding day that Finn and the girls got so exhausted that they were crying and fussing the whole way home. Finn slept four hours that afternoon. He was so cute with his pink little cheeks.

It should be noted that as I write this, it is currently 60 degrees. While I am the first person to complain about the winter here, there's something about 60+ degree temperatures in January in Chicago that just ain't right.

Posted by lisa at January 8, 2008 01:29 PM


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