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December 30, 2008

some thoughts on Cormac

12-20-2006, originally uploaded by Daddy Shawn.

Two kids might not sound like a lot, but when you think about the fact that I just doubled my brood, you might seem to get the picture. Unfortunately Cormac (aka "Little Bits," "Little C," "Peppa Pig," and Finn's contribution, "Banana") is getting the blogging shaft these days, because I don't have time--or more accurately, two hands--to type. I put him in the swing to write this out.

Cormac is overall pretty awesome. Most of the time, he sits there looking, beatifically, like the next Dalai Lama. When you're holding him. That bears repeating, because Little C really wants to be held all the time. He's no dummy--it's warm and cozy there. And it's very sweet for me to have such a cuddler. But then you want to do things like go to the bathroom in peace or, say, sleep, and he doesn't like not being a part of that. And he can protest quite loudly.

Although the sleep issue isn't quite as bad as it was with Finn, he's still getting up every two hours round the clock. And you must believe me when I say that this is an improvement. I recently read an article about sleep deprivation being used as a torture tactic, and am not unconvinced that Cormac isn't secretly working for Cheney.

Since I'm on maternity leave anyway, there's not much else to do than feed him and hold him. (Well, to be fair, there's plenty to do, I just can't seem to do it. Imagine trying to accomplish anything significant while holding your baby.) For a while I was watching really really bad TV when I was feeding him. It began to rot my brain and I found myself aware of individuals I never knew about before, like Lady Gaga. And heavens, Miley Cyrus. (That girl just freaks me out. My condolences to all of you with girls who will inevitably have to accompany your little one to a Hannah Montana concert.)

But now, I just watch C TV, which is basically Cormac watching me. Then dozing. Then smiling. (Or maybe pooping.) Then waking. Then watching the ceiling fan. I highly recommend it.

Posted by lisa at December 30, 2008 09:26 AM


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