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April 15, 2009
quotable Finn
First of all, what a big boy! I seriously can't get over how big he looks in this photo.
* [Pointing at my eyelashes] "Mama, what do you call those? Eyewhiskers?"
* [When giving Shawn and I presents] "These are for people who have hands and aren't babies who live with us." (In other words, not Santos or Cormac.)
* "When people are married, why do they kiss more slowly?"
* "I told my brain to dream about Nataly last night, but instead I dreamed about ice cream machines."
* Finn: "So, first I'm a baby, then a kid, then a big kid, then a teenager, then a grown-up, then a daddy, right?"
Me: "That's pretty much it. But I don't want you to grow up, because you won't want to cuddle with me anymore!"
Finn, very serious: "Oh, mama. I will always want to cuddle with you."
Posted by lisa at April 15, 2009 10:09 AM
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