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February 23, 2010


blueprint, originally uploaded by lisabagg.

Every day, Finn brings home a bunch of drawings and worksheets from school, and we go through everything together. When I asked him if this was a drawing of our house, he said, no. That this is actually a "blueprint" for the house where he will live with his future wife, Ruby. (Ruby is one of the little girls in his class, who is absolutely charming and adorable. Mama approves.)

He went on to give me the details about their home. First of all, Ruby and Finn will have both a cat and a dog, and they're going to be friends, because they're going to get them at the same time. They will have a big toy room, and a huge craft room where they can make projects. Instead of having stairs, they will have a slide.

And, as a final touch, it appears that this house will be furnished predominantly with items from infomercials. (Which is probably more of an indictment of how much TV he's been watching this Winter.) In the bathroom, they'll have the Touch & Brush, for the kitchen they'll have the Big Top Cupcake* kit, and all the closets will have the Hanger Cascader. ("Mom, it will increase our closet space... instantly!") The doors will even have the Twin Draft Guard to keep out all those pesky drafts.

A natural romantic, Finn alternately cuts out pictures of flowers and candy, pasting them to paper, and gives them to me, or saves them for Ruby. (He's too shy to share them with her yet.) His teacher told me, "He's really going to be the best boyfriend, someday." Have you seen Modern Family? He's totally Manny. I keep expecting him to ask me to buy him some cologne.

It's very sweet, this idyllic life Finn has imagined, with friendly animals, no wasted toothpaste, and ample closet space. He told me (and I quote) "Don't worry, Mommy. I'll give you our address so you can come visit."

* If there is one thing America does not need, it is a way to make gigantic cupcakes.

Posted by lisa at February 23, 2010 10:05 AM


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