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February 24, 2010

cormac update

IMGP0136.JPG, originally uploaded by Daddy Shawn.

Lately, it's been Finn who's been getting all the blog glory. But rest assured that Cormac is every bit as amazing as his big brother. This kid is a force of nature—from the time he gets up in the morning, he never stops moving. He's like a 25-lb. cannonball, hurling throughout the house. (And yes, sometimes destroying everything in his path.)

You should see how fast this guy moves now. (I'll happily race my baby against yours any day.) He eats with absolute gusto and seems to have the most hilarious sense of humor. He loves to play peek-a-boo, makes faces at everyone, and laughs this hearty, deep-voiced laugh.

He's really into big kids and what they're doing. We went to a friend's house last weekend, and he toddled after all of them, following them from room to room, laughing all the way, even when it was an hour after his bedtime. When we pick up Finn from school at the end of the day, he toddles around the room, hugging all the kids.

This kid LOVES dogs. Although no one would call Santos a "good" dog (he's always eating the weirdest things that dogs shouldn't eat, and stealing food off the counter), he is absolutely the best family dog that we could ask for. He follows Cormac everywhere (and yes, it is probably because he is frequently coated with food, but still). Cormac pats him, lays on him, "shakes" his paws, and Santos is totally game for it. Cormac loves him so much that he cries when Santos goes outside. He stands against the door with his nose pressed to the class, calling for "dog-dog" to come back.

He's got a lot of words now. In addition to "dog-dog" (which has also expanded to mean cats, birds, and pretty much any animal), he says "mama" (which truthfully, also kind of means "person who gets me stuff", as he sometimes calls Daddy or his nanny Eva "Mama"), bruh-bruh for brother, dada for Daddy, meelk for milk, bobo for pacifier, NO!!! for no. He also shakes his head "no" when he means yes, which is pretty hilarious. I'll bring out some blueberries from the fridge and he'll start shaking his head no, vigorously, when what he means is yes! Bring on the blueberries!

Cormac has also started getting jealous when I hug Finn, and tries to peel him off me and wheedle his way in there. And oh my goodness, does this kid have opinions on stuff. Dogs, food, books, an other kids go in the good column. Shoes, hats, and being told no go firmly into the do-not-like column.

Basically, Cormac is a big personality in a little (but growing rapidly) body. My lovable, exhausting, little chunk. (But after carrying him around all this time, I've got some great biceps!)

Posted by lisa at February 24, 2010 05:45 AM


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