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September 09, 2010
Finn is Five! (ED: How did this happen?)
Where does the time go? I can't believe that my baby is now a walking, talking, occasionally sassing, frequently hilarious, book-reading, brother-hazing, Lego-clicking, Batman-playing, preschool attending, bike-riding, cuddle-loving, sleep-protesting five-year-old! The day started out with his second day of school. And while a lot of the other preschoolers were crying at drop-off, Finn was pretty much like, "Ah, kids. I remember last year, when I cried at drop-off. Now, where is the sensory table?"
He just had his doctor's appointment, where he registered in the 90th percentile for height (46 inches), 50th percentile for weight (42 lbs.) and 10th percentile for body mass index. Oh, Finn, if there is any wisdom I can bestow to you on your fifth birthday, it is this. Enjoy that metabolism you inherited from both your father and me, because while wonderful, it is fleeting.
And yes, that is totally a cheap-o Jewel cake in the picture. I totally intended to bake, but the day inspired against me. Don't tell Finn, but I am totally baking a Batman cake for his Chuck E Cheese party.
Posted by lisa at September 9, 2010 11:48 AM
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